Since Sri Lanka is a multi cultural country, you cannot expect anything less when it comes to Sri Lankan food. Our country is filled with its regional flavours while the cuisine is known for a rich combination of rice specialities, spices, herbs, seafood,seasonal vegetables and fruits and of course, legumes.
Sau Dodol (Welithalapa; වැලිතලප)
Confectionery is so closely intertwined with the New Year that it is impossible to talk about the Sinhala And Tamil New Year without talking about confectionery. Confectionery is one of the staple foods of the New Year table.Welithalapa or Sau Dodol is one of our favorite foods.Welithalapa also have a unique place among the confectionery of the country. According to the medical opinion, a piece of sand made with too much honey contains about 260 kcal.