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Lakpura Buthsarana Ala (1kg)

Lakpura Buthsarana Ala (1kg)

Regular price 16.00 SAR
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(SKU: LSC0006629) Canna edulis, commonly known as Indian Shot, goes by the name Buthsarana amongst the locals. It is a plant with large elongated leaves and produces scarlet-red flowers. Thanks to the vibrant color of its flowers, Buthsarana is commonly grown as a flowering plant in gardens, in addition to its uses as a tuber crop. It grows well in the wet zone and the lowlands of Sri Lanka. The tubers can be harvested 8-10 months after cultivation. There are two types of Buthsarana tubers as red Buthsarana and white Buthsarana.


The rhizome, flowers and the leaves of Buthsarana are used to treat several illnesses such as gastrointestinal disorders, tonsillitis, cancers, malaria, and acute jaundice type of hepatitis. In addition, it is said to have demulcent, diaphoretic and diuretic properties (10). In addition, due to the high fiber content of Buthsarana, it is generally considered to be effective against constipation as well.

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